If you are younger then18y, please, leave!

If you are younger then18y, please, leave!

Please, read!

In this blog you can find immages (mostly drawings) that can be disturbing and not acceptable to view for everyone. It is only fantasy and has no connection with reality. But, in any case, if you think you might feel upset by these creations, please, LEAVE!
The same rule for minors - if you are under legal age, please, leave this blog!

úterý 31. března 2020

yet another doodle - tree crucifixion

After some time the man was nailed to a tree, nails through his wrists and feet, fixed in possition by one additional nail piercing his nutsack, the guard came to have some fun finishing him by spear...

pondělí 16. března 2020

Redhead Crux (revisited)

Inspired by one of the victims in the painting mentioned here
I did this sketch, revisited today... added some color...