Here are two new drawings - illustrations of a story to come - Crosses of Caligula by Jack Staley on MCR yahoo group... it shall be comming soon...
This blog was created as a place, where you can visit a world based on and existing only in my FANTASY. Most of the immages depict scenes of male to male BDSM and sex and there usually is certain level of violence in them. No connection with the real world. Once again - this is only for readers 18+ or any other "legal" age (according to laws of your country). Thanx!
If you are younger then18y, please, leave!

Please, read!
In this blog you can find immages (mostly drawings) that can be disturbing and not acceptable to view for everyone. It is only fantasy and has no connection with reality. But, in any case, if you think you might feel upset by these creations, please, LEAVE!
The same rule for minors - if you are under legal age, please, leave this blog!
In this blog you can find immages (mostly drawings) that can be disturbing and not acceptable to view for everyone. It is only fantasy and has no connection with reality. But, in any case, if you think you might feel upset by these creations, please, LEAVE!
The same rule for minors - if you are under legal age, please, leave this blog!

úterý 29. prosince 2015
neděle 13. září 2015
correctional crucifixion
All the men convicted being homosexuals had to undergo corrective crucifixion. Usually it meant serious harm (if not destruction) of their genitals.
After that they were concentrated in work camps. Some of them were secretly sold to rich politicians or men of business or to military camps, where they were or used as a sexual release for soldiers or they were used as practice targets.
After that they were concentrated in work camps. Some of them were secretly sold to rich politicians or men of business or to military camps, where they were or used as a sexual release for soldiers or they were used as practice targets.
úterý 28. července 2015
Tribute to Gengoroh Tagame
Not so long ago I found my way to another web site of the gay comix icon - Gengoroh Tagame - one of my favourite gay BDSM artists. This time it is his tumblr page. I anxiously studied his entries, one by one, pleased with each and every picture he published there.
Three of them especially caught my attention as they seemed to be parts of drawing depicting execution of a young guy, which is done by arrows. A young and manly hero is tied to a tree (possibly pine) with rope and his naked body pierced with arrows.
Unfortunatelly each picture shows only part of the whole immage and so the viewer has to try to complete the puzzle in his own mind.
I did so, as I think in the published pieces is everything one needs for that.
I started with the first picture, depicting the first phase of creating the immage - the pencil drawing, defining the final shape lines and also the lines modelling the body scape.
I loved the taunt body, straining against the ropes, back rubbed by the rough bark of the pine trunk.The detail of his right nipple pierced through by one of the arrows I found especially arrousing.
Next part of the drawing and some more details I took from the second published piece - showing the final colour version of the immage.
Here I also found which of the arrows were left out from the final picture. we also see a bit lower than in the first pencil version. The rope, turning around his abs and part of the rope going even lower.
In the last entry of these three shows almost the whole immege, but only a thin layer of it. The picture itself doesn't say much - only where there is hair on the man's body.
But it is not only hairy areas. It is also show of negative spaces, which are hidden behind arrow or rope. So in combnation with the previous two I was able to finally complete the immage, though with a large portion of my own fantasy. Even now, writing this blog entry I can see what I missed while drawing my version of this amazing Tagame's creation (which I haven't seen completed yet, unfortunately). I missed one arrow, sticking ou of the side of his left thigh. Anyway - here is my version...
First immage shows the drawing in progress... Sorry for letting myself a bit carried away with the size of his penis. I hope Mister Tagame will not mind. I even changed the shape of it and the angle later, after some of his other works.
I made his face more european... so it is not so strict copy...
So here is the final b/w immage - pencil drawing. It is not coloured, no blood painted... I just couldn't wait to see the final result - original by Gengoroh Tagame. But I hope I will have the chance soon. I asked about this possibility through twitter account of mister Tagame and I hope he will respond.
Anyway - he is one of the best!
Three of them especially caught my attention as they seemed to be parts of drawing depicting execution of a young guy, which is done by arrows. A young and manly hero is tied to a tree (possibly pine) with rope and his naked body pierced with arrows.
Unfortunatelly each picture shows only part of the whole immage and so the viewer has to try to complete the puzzle in his own mind.
I did so, as I think in the published pieces is everything one needs for that.
I started with the first picture, depicting the first phase of creating the immage - the pencil drawing, defining the final shape lines and also the lines modelling the body scape.
Next part of the drawing and some more details I took from the second published piece - showing the final colour version of the immage.
Here I also found which of the arrows were left out from the final picture. we also see a bit lower than in the first pencil version. The rope, turning around his abs and part of the rope going even lower.
In the last entry of these three shows almost the whole immege, but only a thin layer of it. The picture itself doesn't say much - only where there is hair on the man's body.
But it is not only hairy areas. It is also show of negative spaces, which are hidden behind arrow or rope. So in combnation with the previous two I was able to finally complete the immage, though with a large portion of my own fantasy. Even now, writing this blog entry I can see what I missed while drawing my version of this amazing Tagame's creation (which I haven't seen completed yet, unfortunately). I missed one arrow, sticking ou of the side of his left thigh. Anyway - here is my version...
First immage shows the drawing in progress... Sorry for letting myself a bit carried away with the size of his penis. I hope Mister Tagame will not mind. I even changed the shape of it and the angle later, after some of his other works.
I made his face more european... so it is not so strict copy...
So here is the final b/w immage - pencil drawing. It is not coloured, no blood painted... I just couldn't wait to see the final result - original by Gengoroh Tagame. But I hope I will have the chance soon. I asked about this possibility through twitter account of mister Tagame and I hope he will respond.
Anyway - he is one of the best!
středa 22. července 2015
crucifixion of a young white infidel
The new ortodox wave took the area over very fast. The young gay journalist didn't stand a chance, face to face with this furious crowd of armed and angry men, following this homophobic laws, based on their religion. The surpressed gay feelings in many of them led them to extreme brutality, facing the sexually attractive victim.
The journalist was stripped naked, crucified on a large tree near to the hotel he was caught in. The armed men flogged him and tortured him (after some of them sexually abused him) and in the end one of them pierced his body with a spear they took in one of the museums they destroyed on their way... while the other amused himself by burning the enormous manhood of the white young man wih a torch.
The journalist was stripped naked, crucified on a large tree near to the hotel he was caught in. The armed men flogged him and tortured him (after some of them sexually abused him) and in the end one of them pierced his body with a spear they took in one of the museums they destroyed on their way... while the other amused himself by burning the enormous manhood of the white young man wih a torch.
neděle 28. června 2015
Bound love
This is a drawing I created for CPHmaster for his website... I hope He likes it... It was done after a photo by CPHmaster Himself... the bound guy there is my lover, so it was a double pleasure to draw this immage.
čtvrtek 18. června 2015
Marcellus - death in Roman Arena
This time a story again - this one was writen by Scott Holderer, my friend from one of the yahoo groups. He was so kind and agreed I could publish his story in my blog. So here it is, together with my illustration.
curdling shrieks of the condemned man could scarcely be heard above the roaring
crowd. “Innocent! By Jove, Innocent! Mercy mighty Caligula, Mercy” but his
wailing went unheeded by the mighty Emperor who sat in his throne perched in
the center of the royal box, a look of grim satisfaction mingled with a
voyeur’s thrill of anticipation on his stern royal brow. This Marcellus, once a trusted legionnaire
and sometime companion in the royal bed chamber was now nothing more than a
plaything to be bloodied, dismembered and sacrificed for the emperor’s own
gruesome lust and of course, the mob assembled in the arena under the burning
sun needed their entertainments to deflect the hunger they felt in their
whose masculine beauty was unparalleled in the empire, was sought after by women
and men alike. His powerful shoulders
and barrel chest, accented by two
perfectly formed tits that were encircled by thick curling ebony hair that ,dwindled
just above his navel into a fine line of down that formed an arrow pointing
straight to his prodigious cock that rested atop two ostrich sized balls was
the envy of every man and boy. And then
his face: blessed by a mother, a slave from Germania, was adorned by two
luminous blue eyes the color of the Mediterranean sea on a summer’s day. His high forehead, strong jaw that sported a
perfectly trimmed beard, straight Roman nose and alabaster teeth that sparkled
when he smiled were renowned by poets and were an image often called forth as
lonely women and men with certain hungers masturbated in the stillness of the
night. But now this stunning beauty stood naked, bruised, shackled and
trembling before entering the field of his demise These
dear comrades who now surrounded him at the entrance to the arena had been his
boon companions on the long marches north of Rome, these mess mates who had
shared meager rations, and long lonely nights in the freezing cold, now had
transformed into monsters, only to happy to see their onetime friend meet his
ghastly end. Happy they were that it was
not they who had been falsely accused of treason and so chosen by the brute
Caligula to undergo such an ignoble end when it was naught but Marcellus having
been caught in an embrace with one of Caligula’s slaves that had ignited a
raging jealousy in the emperor’s heart.
looming in the center of the arena stood a high platform supporting a gigantic
wooden cross like the one used to torture and execute the criminal Andrew, one
rabble rouser of the much maligned Christian sect. A brazier with burning coals sat atop an iron
tripod holding instruments of torture from pokers, branding irons, finely honed
two foot long needles, long handled shears and what appeared to be a
grotesquely large silver dildo that gleamed in the sunlight.
blinded by the sweat that coursed down his brow groped his way up the rough
hewn steps that led to the platform, his naked feet picking up painful
splinters along the way. His chest and
back showed signs of the flogging that he had received that very morning that
now caused searing pain, exposed as they were to the relentless burning sun of
noon on this cloudless summer’s day in the eternal city called Rome.
chief executioner, one Longinus from Birtania, wearing nothing more save an
apron to cover his genitals was a figure to strike terror in the stoutest of
hearts. Longinus, a onetime slave to the Great Augustus, Caligula’s benighted
uncle had gained freedom for his expertise in the fine art of torture. He
prided himself with making the helpless victims last for hours, knowing where
to cut, where to sear with molten iron to stop the bleeding, where to give the
condemned time to recover before the next onslaught of agony. Yes, Longinus knew his business. Today was a special occasion for him. To display his artistry before the Emperor,
the Senate and the people of Rome was a rare and great honor. He intended to give his audience a show that
would be remembered and recorded for posterity.
brave young Marcellus, come up those last steps. That’s right, one last step,
now turn and face the emperor. Turn damn you.
Guards grab this miserable dog’s arms and make him recognize our dear
Emperor Caligula. Bow down and cringe
before his divinity. You are the featured attraction.”
grabbing a handful of Marcellus long hair yanked his head backwards causing
great strain to his well muscled neck.
dog and see the thousands gathered here for the spectacle. The senators in their finest robes, the
aristocrats in their silks and gold, the unwashed plebeians with their stinking
garlic breath waiting like hungry animals to hear your screams, to smell the
fear in your sweat, to see you piss yourself from terror and then see your
crimson traitor’s blood flow.”
shrieked the condemned man focusing his gaze on Caligula who was licking his
lips, ravenous with hunger to see this demigod whose ass he onetime had plowed
in the royal bed, whose cock and balls he had fondled with sharp imperial nails.
not to our beloved Emperor for it is his word that has sent you here. Being the
kind and gracious lord that he is however, you have been granted one last
with eyes nearly busting from his skull beheld the instrument that was his “one
last fuck”, a giant finely wrought silver dildo that was even now being lifted
from the glowing embers and attached to the end of long wooden pole.
Longinus, in stentorian tones as he desired
that every last person in the great area could hear his every word shouts for
all, “Turn him around facing the cross and bind his wrists and ankles
tightly. Spread his ass cheeks as wide
as they can for it is a great prick, modeled I am told on our esteemed
emperor’s very own appendage.” The crowd in one great chorus laughed like
lunatics at the full moon.
with what strength he still had left in his arms and legs bucked and struggled
like an Arabian stallion as four Briton guards slammed him against the x shaped
construction. Clenching his fists in
vain his thick hairy wrists and strong runner’s ankles were soon bound tight
with hemp rope. His perfect ass
glistened in the sun light, in stark contrast to his bronzed back and thighs.
spread his ass and prepare the traitor to receive his emperor’s member up his
hole.” And with those words, Longinus approached holding the long pole with its
attached gargantuan dildo that smoked and sizzled. Marcellus could feel the heat on his naked
skin even from a distance. His legs
trembled like branches in a violent storm.
He pressed himself tightly against the jagged wood even as splinters
embedded themselves into his chest, his tits, his thighs and dick. Closer and closer drew the molten
member. A few more inches remained
before contact but even so the heat of the iron caused his vulnerable flesh to
blister. Slowly and with great deliberation Longinus placed the tip of the
dildo against Marcellus ass hole. The
crowd went wild with glee. They cheered and stomped in anticipation at the
scream that was about to come to their ears and brave young Marcellus did not
disappoint. There was one brief moment
where he threw his head back, took in a gigantic breath that filled his lungs
and made his chest expand like a Hercules then let forth a bellow the likes of
which had not been heard in Rome since the last sacrifice of a bull in Jove’s
sacred temple.
dildo pressed into the crevice, searing the sensitive flesh as it travel
further up into the anus. Tears of agony
streamed down Marcellus’ face, his bladder emptied, some spatters of urine that
struck the hot iron bounced like beeding water onto a hot pan. His head
thrashed about from side to side, forward and backward in some futile attempt
to knock himself out, to escape if only for a moment the indescribable pain
from the silver dildo.
unmindful of those who stood in the royal box was unable to constrain himself
and so, lifted up his royal robes to reveal a throbbing engorged penis. Calling for his favorite Centurion, he
indicated with the wave of his hand that the soldier should kneel down between
the Imperial thighs and give suck to his panting member.
like an expert actor, slowly withdrew the dildo, now that Marcellus had passed
into a moment’s oblivion, raised the pole to display the shit and blood soaked
object as if it were the most precious trophy seized in battle.
crowd applauded with deafening enthusiasm as the Emperor grabbed the head of
his guard and pushed the choking man’s face ever deeper along the imperial
water and revive this wretch” instructed the torturer and with alacrity his
command was quickly met. A bucket of
brine was dumped onto Marcellus’ head, stinging his eyes, burning his whip
striped back and scolding the bloody rips in his ass hole. With a violent shake of his head and much
coughing and sputtering the hapless man was brought back to life.
him around” proclaimed Longinus to the crowd as he took from his apron a long
leather cord some three feet in length which he then raised up for the mob to
behold. And so addressing the throng Longinus proclaimed, “With this leather
cord I shall tied up this dog’s ample ball sack and weight it with a
stone. See how the villain trembles, how
his knees buckle even as he is tied to face you most Holy Emperor.”
Marcellus had been secured spread eagled and facing forward, his cock and balls
displayed for the world to gaze upon, Longinus stepped between the splayed legs
and with expert care tied each ball into a separate bundle, wrapping a fair
amount of cord between the ball sack and the root of the penis. After the package was tied tightly with two
ample ends of cord dangling he called for a ten pound rock that lay nearby and
so deftly tied the rock to the loose ends.
Then, making sure to step aside to insure that the emperor and the
people could see his intentions raised the stone up dragging Marcellus’ balls
and dick heavenward before dropping the stone.
The drag on the condemned mans nuts elicited a piercing cry of pain
while the crowd wildly applauded and Caligula thrust his hips forward deep into
the Centurion’s throat eliciting from the hapless soldier a violent gagging
Longinus was amazed to see how low the scrotal sack hung between the two
powerful legs. “A miracle that the flesh
can hold so much weight without ripping a little” he thought silently to
himself. Then like a kitten with a ball
on a string he tapped the dangling stone and made it swing back and forth
adding to the terrible strain on the balls and causing poor Marcellus to weep
and scream in a delirium of agony.
for Marcellus his season in this earthly hell was far from ended.
stepped away from the spread eagled figure whose body shook like a trembling
leaf, whose blue eyes, now blood shot rolled in wild circles of unfocused
terror and pain.
me my gloves” a command he addressed more to the writhing crowd then to his
helpers on the stage of torment.
lightning speed two great padded gloves were presented on a silver tray to the
smiling Longinus.
me put them on fool” he growled, again in full voice that carried to the
farthest reaches of the arena.
padded gloves covered in thick heat resistant layers of leather and down were
tightly tied to his wrists.
now, let the piercing begin” Longinus shouted in his most impressive theatrical
voice. And with that, he marched slowly and solemnly towards the brazier and
took forth from the glowing embers five fine honed iron needles whose tips
glowed white hot. Raising his arm he
held aloft the five instruments of sublime torture for the Emperor and the
assembled crowd to see.
mighty Caligula, my own creations. These
five needles I will soon insert into this traitor but fear not, their searing
heat will seal the wounds and leave in the trail unspeakable agony but not
bring death.”
Longinus, you are indeed a master of your craft. Proceed!” shouted the Emperor,
whilst his own rod throbbed deep in the throat of the exhausted Centurion
kneeling between his thighs
waved his hand indicating that the brazier should be brought closer to the
condemned man. Then, returning four of the needles to nestle in the burning
coals, he slowly approached Marcellus, who was barely conscious despite the
brine soaking.
And thus spoke Longinus to the condemned man
and to all those in the arena, “Behold traitor, the first of five needles that
shall pierce your flesh. Fear not that
they will dispatch you to Hades before your time but be assured that you will
suffer and so atone for your traitorous villainy against the Emperor, the
Senate and the People of Rome.” And with
these words, Longinus took between his thumb and forefinger, Marcellus’ right
tit, playing with it almost like a lover, caressing the perfect rose bud nub
and manipulating it back and forth, to the right, to the left then slowly
pulling the nipple away from the chest, straining the flesh beneath. Twisting
and yanking with increasing savagery until the tit would reach no further. Now it was time to place the still smoldering
needle at the very tip of the tit which sparked and blistered in an instant of
unutterable pain before pressing forward till, with the tiniest of popping
sounds the needle broken the through the tender pink skin and lodged deep into
the pectoral muscle. Marcellus could not
believe the tidal wave of pain that flooded in concentric circles from the
needles point of entry: wave upon wave of agony traveled across his chest
radiating to every part of his body.
Tears burst from his eyes, spittle mixed with blood burst forth from his
mouth as he threw his head back and let forth another scream of manly anguish.
paused a moment to admire his work, then stepped away from the spread eagled
soldier to allow better sight lines for the Emperor and the Senate and the
People of Rome. The needle stuck out
perfectly perpendicular to Marcellus chest, a ghastly and horrible site that
tantalized the crowd who could hardly contain their impatience to see the next
four needles.
wishing to disappoint, but always the showman, Longinus gave Marcellus a few
moments to recover before repeating the onslaught to the left nipple. Manipulating and caressing the nipple before
slowly inserting the terrible instrument into the young man’s chest, once
completed Longinus again stepped away for the crowd to behold his handiwork.
his gaze now to Marcellus groin and admiring the now swollen ball sack and
rigid penis Longinus took a third needle from out the coals, then with deft
fingers held the wretched man’s right ball between thumb and forefinger before
slowly inserting the needle. Piercing
the tough membrane of the gonad took slightly more effort but the subsequent
scream that burst from Marcellus’ now parched and raw throat was well worth the
effort. A thunderous round of applause
erupted from the arena, save the Emperor who was near to climaxing deep in the
Centurian’s throat.
that Marcellus may be close to fainting once again, Longinus took less time
with the left ball, stabbing the needle into the gonad with one swift thrust.
aside one last time for the audience to behold the traitor’s punishment
Longinus reached for the final needle.
the flaccid cock require much effort and Longinus feared that the elegant prick
with the bulbous head and considerable amount of foreskin would never harden
but the young’s man’s strength returned enough to achieve on last hard on. Once the prick was rigid, Longinus pulled the
foreskin down the shaft as far as it would go revealing the piss slit. Holding the dick in his left hand Longinus
raised his right arm displaying the final needle. The arena became silent, transfixed with the
bloody spectacle that was nearing its end.
Every eye was focused on the gleaming needle as it made its way toward
the slit. Marcellus shook like one
possessed, unable to control his bladder his let forth of blood drenched piss
that covered the legs and feet of Longinus who cursed with all his might. But never forgetting for one moment, that he
was a showman, Longinus controlled his temper.
Grasping the now rigid shaft in his left hand, with right hand placed
the fiery tip of the needle upon the portal of the penis. Marcellus was unable to cry out, his throat
now raw and swollen, his tongue to swollen and dry though he did manage to
throw his head back and forward, right and left in response to this pain like
nothing he had ever known before. It took a few agonizing moments for the
needle to travel the length of the rigid pole, burning the tiny opening as it
dug deep into his dick, burning and lacerating the shaft, piercing the prostate
and ending deep inside his bladder.
stepped aside once more to receive the crowds ovation who had now risen to
their feet cheering and applauding Longinus brilliant performance.
the final curtain was not yet to descend for Longinus had prepared a final
tableaux, one more agony before the poor solider was to be dispatched to
Hades. Utilizing the stage machinery
that was built into the floor of the arena, a stout iron pole ascended beneath
the cross and attached itself to an iron
ring cancelled behind the wood. Grabbing
onto the device, the cross rose slowly
up into the air, higher and higher it rose, the nearly exhausted soldier
hanging in abject terror and despair exposed, naked, bloody, needles protruding
from his tits, his balls and his prick was a bit of theatrical brilliance never
before seen in the arena. Even Caligula
himself was brought to his feet to see such a breath taking display of such
awesome horror and beauty. And as the cross rose to the sky, Longinus reached
for the shears whose jaws he opened wide and placed them at the root of
Marcellus’ genitals. Molten hot as they were, the cutting of the dick, the
severing of the balls produced at first a small amount of blood but the
Marcellus over burdened heart raced ahead forcing blood down between his
splayed legs and then like a great fountain the crimson life giving fluid burst
from the groin showering Longinus who threw his back as if to drink the sweet
nectar as it drenched his face and chest.
cast his eyes heavenward and with a great heaving sigh gave his soul up to the
neděle 14. června 2015
If you are on twitter and would like to communicate there or just see what interests me, feel free to add me. I am new there, looking around. :-)
pátek 12. června 2015
the Bribe
As the repressions progressed, they also hardened. Many men with the "pink triangle" diagnosis ended up on wooden crosses, as a reminder that this kind of "illness" isn't well received by the leaders of the new régime.
This didn't go unnoticed by some well positioned or at least wealthy men with perverse lust. This was their chance to get what they could only dream about before... It took only some money and discretion.
The crucifixion grounds were mostly open public spaces... but sometimes these were somewhat secluded... sometimes the execution was taking place in a military area and the "educational part" was realised through TV broadcast, mostly evening news. Then everything became quiet.
The man walked in the small military prison court, following the guard who let him in through the metal door.
"Here is the money", he said, giving the guard wad of banknotes.
"OK, he is all yours... but don't take too long... and don't make too much of a mess or you will have to clean it before you leave.
The end of my shift is in two hours."
This didn't go unnoticed by some well positioned or at least wealthy men with perverse lust. This was their chance to get what they could only dream about before... It took only some money and discretion.
The crucifixion grounds were mostly open public spaces... but sometimes these were somewhat secluded... sometimes the execution was taking place in a military area and the "educational part" was realised through TV broadcast, mostly evening news. Then everything became quiet.
The man walked in the small military prison court, following the guard who let him in through the metal door.
"Here is the money", he said, giving the guard wad of banknotes.
"OK, he is all yours... but don't take too long... and don't make too much of a mess or you will have to clean it before you leave.
The end of my shift is in two hours."
čtvrtek 11. června 2015
Me in ropes
I have been visiting bondage expert CPHmaster in London twice this spring. Both visits were very enjoyable and exciting. I hope you all won't mind me sharing the links to the blog entries the Master created on his web... here they are:
čtvrtek 7. května 2015
Remote stand
My friend POTE reminded me I haven't added anything new for a long time, so here is at least one drawing I did rather recently for a friend. I actually finished a piece I started long time ago and left unfinished.
So here is the result...
As the occupants choose to master and control people of the subjugated country by fear and terror, they occasionally added fresh reasons to fear them by torturing (and sometimes killing) young men from the local population... Usually they draged them away to a remote parts of the suburbs and there these were later found by locals....
So here is the result...
As the occupants choose to master and control people of the subjugated country by fear and terror, they occasionally added fresh reasons to fear them by torturing (and sometimes killing) young men from the local population... Usually they draged them away to a remote parts of the suburbs and there these were later found by locals....
pondělí 5. ledna 2015
PF 2015
To all my fans - just a quick skizze, but still - let me wish a happy, prosperous and safe year full of happiness and health and only the good excitement in 2015 to all of you! Let there be enough space and time for enjoying our private pleasures. ;)
sobota 3. ledna 2015
The Gate finished
Here is second part of the act, that was introduced in one of my previous entries - the Gate sketch . In fact it was created on a request from another website...
It is, actually, my first drawing of 2015. Happy New Year to all of my "readers" and fans! :-)
It is, actually, my first drawing of 2015. Happy New Year to all of my "readers" and fans! :-)
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