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středa 22. července 2015

crucifixion of a young white infidel

The new ortodox wave took the area over very fast. The young gay journalist didn't stand a chance, face to face with this furious crowd of armed and angry men, following this homophobic laws, based on their religion. The surpressed gay feelings in many of them led them to extreme brutality, facing the sexually attractive victim.
The journalist was stripped naked, crucified on a large tree near to the hotel he was caught in. The armed men flogged him and tortured him (after some of them sexually abused him)  and in the end one of them pierced his body with a spear they took in one of the museums they destroyed on their way... while the other amused himself by burning the enormous manhood of the white young man wih a torch.

1 komentář:

  1. Here in Brazil, as throughout the world, we have seen more and more orthodox religious and radical wanting to review laws that separate the state from religion. Decades of civil democracy are being destroyed by religious values outdated and ridiculous.
    The religious radicalism is harmful regardless of which religion motivates.
    The design and the story are very exciting. Would love to see the guy being naked, flogged and executed in front of excited and fierce audience.
